Friday, September 28, 2007

Week 3, items 5, 6 & 7

Alright! We opened a flickr account [I suppose that's what it's called], "loaded" a photo through Flickr & read about APIs - "Application Programming Interface" - [indeed, after reading the definition of the term, I can honestly admit I have no understanding of it], Mashups - which I really think should be an auto insurance site showing wrecked vehicles - especially since it [mashup] is defined as a "web application hybrid" . . . hybrids get better gas mileage - Trippermap, for you world travellers and a virtually endless list of "tools."

It will be interesting to see how much of this is retained. My impression is that it will have to be repeated several times to imprint the procedures.

So I actually get another bling for this? I think I should be given a new car for it, in light of the "degree of dificulty," which for me, on a scale of 1 - 10, was a 12.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Onward & upward.

Well, now that "blogging" has been done we're on to "flicker-ing" - that can't hold a candle to e-mailing! . . . flicker . . . candle . . . get it?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

"Read the Screen."

In the continuing quest to develop facility with this technology, I am faced with "loading" ["using?" ; finding?] a template . . . where [& how] does one find & copy a "template?"

(This stuff is easy for some of you out there, but a few of us are still "lost is cyberspace" looking for the right icon to click on. In reality, we're looking for an icon to cling to, so we're actually "Cling-ons," Mr. Spock.)

Help, please! How do I add a "template" to my blog?

Does anyone collect "grape" jokes? You know, like, "What is purple & goes 'Slam, slam, slam, slam?"

Yes, a 4-door grape.

Certainly everyone knows that famous purple, world conqueror, Alexander the Grape.

And of course, there's the renowned, purple novel, Grape Expectations.

The truth is that I'm putting this drivel on here to see whether anyone reads blogs in general & this one in specific. Especially to ask if there are any punsters tuning in: please send some of your pun-ishment. (With the realization, of course, that anyone deranged enough to make a pun should be drawn & quoted.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007


"Internet Safety," the phrase is optimistic & there are good suggestions to avoid unwanted contacts [attacks.]

First Post

Well, this took a lot of help from friends, but here we are. Admittedly I'm curious about how this stuff works, but am plowing ahead inspite of ignorance. If this can earn a "merit badge" (call it a "bling" if you wish, but for an old scout, the new terminology will take as much getting used to as does the technology), all the better.

Ya'll have a good day.